Quick Tip: Migrating Ghost to a new server and can’t upload images

March 31, 2014

Migrating Ghost to a new server is fairly straight forward, and when I needed to move this site to a new server it was all pretty easy to do. However, when I went to write a post and upload an image I ran into an issue. Every time I would try to upload an image the Ghost editor would tell me something went wrong and then ghost would stop running on the server.

KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid

After searching and trying a couple of things that didn’t work I realized that the group and user of my images folder did not match what everything else was. I had done a quick pull down via FTP of my /content/images/2014  directory and then uploaded that right to the new server. Since the group and user of that directory weren’t right I simply needed to change that directory to the proper group and owner.

To do that I ran the following command:

$ sudo chown -R ghost:ghost 2014

Now everything was working as it should on my new server. Of course your group, user, and directory could be different so don’t copy and paste this to try to correct your issue. This was one of those simple things that drove me nuts way longer then it should have, so hopefully if you are reading this I can save you some time and frustration.